About Me

Name pronunciation: Ira (Eye-ruh)
Internet moniker: RollemIra

What do I do?


I’m now a proud business co-founder at Heave.co! We’re revoulutionizing heavy equipment service and repair. Download the app and within 10 minutes book a qualified technician to be on site as soon as the next day! Helping the construction industry #DefeatDowntime

I’m also a long time .NET developer that dabbles in other technologies from time to time. I also know lots of other things like NodeJS, TypeScript, Python, and lots of SQL flavors. Basically any technology that catches my eye and I think could be useful. My passion for learning is a big help in the ever evolving tech industry. My current focus is enterprise cloud, automation and DevOps. Aiding in taking companies to the cloud and securing their long-term future within it through DevOps and Automation.

What about hobbies?

I love to get out and do things like go to Busch gardens, go boating, to the park, the beach or even the pool. Summer get’s hot in Florida so I mostly like to do things involving water.

Anything else?

Yes, I’m a proud father! It’s demanding and so rewarding.